Im Auftrag des Deutschen Zentrums für Altersfragen (DZA) hatte ich über Monate die Gelegenheit, ältere Menschen aus den verschiedensten Lebensbereichen unserer Gesellschaft zu besuchen und zu fotografieren. Diese Arbeit findet sich nun auf der Website und in der begleitenden Broschüre des 9. Altersberichts der Bundesregierung, der nun veröffentlicht wurde. Statt auf überinszenierte Stockfotografie zu setzen, lag der Fokus darauf, die Menschen authentisch in ihren realen Umfeldern zu zeigen. Mein besonderer Dank gilt allen Teilnehmenden für ihre Offenheit sowie Silke Migalla vom DZA für die hervorragende Zusammenarbeit.
Last but not least, a personal highlight of this year has been photographing the CORRECTIV team (Justus von Daniels, Anette Dowideit, Gabriela Keller, Jean Peters, and Marcus Bensmann) for medium magazin on the occasion of being awarded Journalists of the Year 2024. Their investigation, “Secret Plan Against Germany,” sheds light on a secret meeting of high-profile politicians from the AfD party and neo-Nazis planning the expulsion of millions from Germany. It triggered various and strong reactions, most notably one of the biggest protest movements in years against right-wing politics.
I would like to thank Frederik von Castell of medium magazin, who not only speaks incredibly generously about my work in his editorial but also perfectly captures what brings me the most joy as a photographer: when I can, based on teamwork, contribute images that fit into a larger context. In the instance of CORRECTIV, this involved photographing them in a way which I hope echoes what they do outstandingly well: shedding light on the darkness.
Christmas market in Magdeburg after a car drove into the crowd the night before. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz visits the site alongside other politicians.
Around 24 hours after the attack the suspect is brought to the inner courtyard of the Justice Center to appear in front of the magistrate.
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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Leader of liberal FDP party and dismissed German Finance Minister Christian Lindner and Opposition leader Friedrich Merz of CDU attend a plenary session at the German parliament Bundestag for a vote of confidence against the Chancellor and cast their ballot. The vote is lost paving way for elections.
Morning before the vote of confidence at the Deutsche Bundestag
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Dismissed German Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) gives a statement at the Deutsche Bundestag and meets the FDP parliamentary group after having been dismissed by German Chancellor Scholz, which led to the breaking of the coalition on 6th November 2024.
The following day German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier dismisses Finance minister Christian Lindner during a dismissal ceremony for FDP ministers at Bellevue Palace in the presence of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Federal Minister of Digital Affairs and Transport Volker Wissing left the FDP party in order to stay part of the cabinet.
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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz receives US-President Joe Biden at the Chancellery in Berlin and both attend a Quad meeting alongside British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and French President Emmanuel Macron.
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A pro-Palestinian protest in Berlin at the occasion of the first anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel is also attended by Swedish activist Greta Thunberg.
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