Christoph Soeder is a German-French photojournalist and portrait photographer based in Berlin. 

He started working as news photographer with The Philippine Star newspaper in the Philippines in 2010, where he interned before transitioning to freelance photography in Berlin with dapd nachrichtenagentur. In 2015, he earned a first-class BA (Hons) degree in Documentary Photography from the University of South Wales.

Christoph’s independent projects—Unfading (alopecia awareness), Forgetting Forgetfulness (music and dementia), Clear-Cut (barbershop culture), and In the Here and Now (children’s hospice)—have been featured by CNN Photos, Time LightBox, Spiegel Online, Zeit Online, and on billboards across the UK. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he documented life through windows using a drone, in collaboration with Christophe Gateau.

Further achievements include a 2nd award Young photojournalists at the 62nd Berlinale (group show at C/O Berlin), self-publishing his photo book Clear-Cut, several dpa Pictures of the Year and showcasing his work alongside Magnum Photographers as part of a group show in Newport/Wales.

Christoph collaborates with dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur, The Associated Press and EPA Images covering major events both in Germany and internationally. Recent assignments included the Winter Paralympics in China, the G20 Summit in Bali or the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen visiting Ukraine.



Clients include


dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur

Associated Press

EPA Images


Universal Music

Spiegel Online

Zeit Online



BBC Music Magazine

Weißer Ring

Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen

Bundesverband Musikindustrie (BVMI)

C/O Berlin


Ty Hafan



Neunter Altersbericht Bundesregierung (2025)

medium-magazin - JournalistInnen des Jahres2024 (2024)

WEISSER RING - Renate Künast (2024)

Kress Pro - Jörg Thomas (2024)

Interview «digit!» magazine (2022)

dpa Pictures of the Year 2020 (2021)

Rückblende 2020 (2021)

Nationale Demenzstrategie (2020)

dpa-Bilder des Jahres 2019 (2020)

BBC Music Magazine - Iván Fischer (2019)

Spiegel Online (dpa) - Spargelfahrt ins Dämmerlicht (2019)

Libération (dpa) - Ursula von der Leyen (2019)

Focus Magazin (dpa) – ‘Fridays for Future’ in German Bundestag (2019)

Portrait of Britain - Clear-Cut (2018)

Cassius Life -  Clear-Cut (2018)

Spiegel Online - Forgetting Forgetfulness (2018)

Tonic Magazin - Forgetting Forgetfulness (2018)

Spiegel Online - Unfading (2017)

Tonic Magazin (2017)

Bird in Flight - Unfading (2017)

TIME LightBox, Portrait of Britain - Unfading (2016)

Photograd - Clear-Cut (2016)

CNN Photos - Unfading (2016)

Life Framer Edition II Annual - Clear-Cut (2016)

GUP Magazine - Unfading (2016)

M&C Saatchi Little Stories - Clear-Cut (2015)

Life Framer Edition - Frame of Mind (2015)

A Fine Beginning - Frame of Mind (2015)

Gwead -Frame of Mind (2015)

Zeit Online Moment mal – 2014 in Bildern - In the Here and Now (2014)

Wonderzine - Clear-Cut - Clear-Cut (2014)

Darwine Magazine - Clear-Cut (2014)

Accent Magazine - Clear-Cut (2014)

Fotoroom - Clear-Cut (2014)

Zeit Online - In the Here and Now (2014)

Selpublish Be Happy - Clear-Cut (2014)

Emerge Magazine - In the Here and Now (2014)

Spiegel Online - Transsexualität in der Ehe (2014)

A Fine Beginning - Clear-Cut (2014)

Zeit Online - Strahlend helle Momente (2nd award "Close Up!" - Young photojournalists at the 62nd Berlinale 2012)


Please click HERE for News Clippings



Part of Rückblende 2020 (2021)

Part of Portrait Britain - Clear-Cut (2018)

Part of  FO YOU -  Voluntary Art Liason, Berlin - Freak In A Dress (2018)

Part of Photography on a Postcard, London - Clear-Cut (2017)

Part of  FO YOU -  Voluntary Art Liason, Berlin - Frame of Mind (2017)

SEQUENCES Photography Festival, Rumania - Unfading (2017)

Portrait of Britain exhibition on electronics billboards around the UK - Unfading (2016)

Keep Your Eyes Peeled, aff Galerie, Berlin - Unfading (2016)

Newport Now – Art in the City, Newport Museum - Freak In A Dress (2016)

Part of Life Framer Los Angeles, Think Tank Gallery - Clear-Cut (2016)

Graduation Show, West Wharf Gallery, Cardiff - Unfading (2015)

Part of Open For Business by Magnum Photos and Multistory, Newport Wales

The Indepedent AIR, Silkeborg, Denmark - Clear-Cut (2014)

Part of A Fine Beginning: Made in Wales, Arcade Cardiff and Oriel Colwyn Gallery - Clear-Cut (2013)

Group show in Tokyo with photobookshow - Clear-Cut Book (2013)

Unseen Amsterdam, Clear-Cut Book shortlisted and exhibited at the Unseen Dummy Award   (2013)



BA (Hons) Documentary Photography at the University of South Wales (Newport), First Class Degree (2012-2015)

Workshop with Anastasia Taylor-Lind "Beginning a Successful Career in Documentary Photography" London (2014)

The Indepedent AIR residency with Jens Olof Lasthein, David Barnes, Adam Jeppesen, Denmark (2014)

Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie, Berlin (2011-2012)

Internship (3 months) with the Philippine Star (daily newspaper) in Manila/Philippines. Assignments and published photographs in the lifestyle, sports and news section. (2010)