Clinic clowns of the Potsdam based association «Lachen hilft e.V.» perform for residents of two homes for the elderly in Potsdam (#1-6) and Jüterbog (#7-21).
The clinic clowns went out in two teams of five to perform for residents of different social and medical facilities. Their aim is to provide emotional support in these difficult times of social distancing, says Tanja Selmer (Clown Tiffy). A special permit from the health authorities allowed them to gather to make music for this specific occasion after having all been tested for the coronavirus and given they follow hygiene regulations.
Participating Clowns: Tanja Selmer as «Tiffy» (l-r), Nicole Bergsträßer as «Pepina», Andreas Böhlke as «Tute Caruso», Joanna Nelles as «Lilo» and Ute von Koerber as «Vitamine»
© dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur
Comparing analysis of front pages reflecting the protest against coronavirus restrictions in Berlin on 19th November ’20 by Dr. Felix Koltermann on