Eleri pushes Steven on his wheelchair along the way, which is just besides the sea.
Poppy comes back from a trip to Cardiff where she had attended a fundraising event.
Not only children with a life limiting condition are welcome in the hospice but their whole family.
Olivia holds a space blanket over her knees making a sizzling noise.
Outside of the hospice Liz gets support for caring for her son Peter only three days a week. The rest of the time she looks after him 24/7.
Linnzy recovers from crying in the arms of her carer Eleri.
Hand prints of children and people visiting the hospice are seen through a glass pane which reflects Joshua R..
Josie a cousin of a child with a life limiting condition plays with a transparent veil.
Rhydian flies through the room on the arms of his carer Paul, while ‘Super-Hero Day’ is celebrated.
Chloe sleeps under a starry sky projected in her room.
Father Paul hugs and kindly shakes his 14 year old son Pablo. Pablo used to react to a whisper when he was younger.
The surroundings of the hospice reflect in one of the windows.
Pablo‘s hands
The whole team is gathered in front of the TV screen as the rugby finale between Wales and England starts off, just a few miles away in Cardiff.
The Memorial Garden holds stones with the engraved names of children who came to Ty Hafan.
Joshua H. sits outside on Queen Street in Cardiff enjoying lunch. Like many other children, who come to Ty Hafan, Joshua has foster parents.
A few days after his stay in the hospice Pablo passed away. A funeral director holds his picture at the cementary.
The ever-changing sea in front of the hospice
Olivia looks at a book together with her carer.